It happened at a downtown Milwaukee mall - during the work week - there is no free parking. I worked downtown during the same time. Besides, when I told Elder father how stupid it makes JWs look to do this, he explained it is purely a provokation attempt. He was grilling me for info on my friend and warning me. I turned it around and asked about the parking. He said that could come out of misc expenses of the congregation donations or the elders can consider it a contribution of their own. Did they buy lunch at the food court on the KH funds too?
White Waves
JoinedPosts by White Waves
I'm so angry!!!!!!
by lola28 inwell it looks like my plan to fade might not work after all.
yesterday afternoon i was in my office when two elders stopped by for a visit.
they came into my job and began to question me in front of my boss and my new assistant!
You know you're an elders' wife when...
by stillAwitness in.'re asleep in the back of the hall after the meeting while waiting for your husband to finish up another elders' meeting.
White Waves
You have to visit different KHs for hubby's public talks, act like you love your role as man-servant and the talk you have heard 100s of times is soooo interesting, meet people you aren't likely to remember later, accept praise for his wonderful presentation, possibly eat a meal with complete strangers and have no idea what you will eat, go home exhausted with an entire day lost. Added curse: care for children during ordeal while husband is "occupied" absorbing glory and try not to "embarrass" him.
a book study: on my street !!!!
by kid-A ina few months back i started a thread noting the remarkable fact that no jws had ever knocked on my door since moving into my new house 5 months ago..... i am pleased to say that to this date, i have had no door knockers at all.....but, guess what kiddies?
i was driving home last night (thursday) around 8:45. and lo and behold, about 10 doors down, i see about 20 jws emerging from a house from the "thursday night book study" !!!!!
hee hee hee......the whole she-bang,.
White Waves
Go with Blondie!
1.Call the authorities, say your neighbors have large groups over every Thursday (are they Satanists???) there is no parking and they stand around outside blabbing and disturbing the peace. Tell them exactly what time it usually breaks up. Claim you have a kid or two. Know any neighbors? Encourage supporting calls.
2. Then, grab your beer and pretzels, grab a few lawn chairs and friends to watch the show.
1. Print out a NEIGHBORHOOD COMPLAINT pamphlet. Quote Blondie or actual local laws and claim numerous neighbors have come to the agreement they are a disruption to the neighborhood. Put pamplets on JW cars during the meeting. Follow with step 2.
Wish I could be there!!
I'm so angry!!!!!!
by lola28 inwell it looks like my plan to fade might not work after all.
yesterday afternoon i was in my office when two elders stopped by for a visit.
they came into my job and began to question me in front of my boss and my new assistant!
White Waves
This is not a new technique! The elders at at least 3 or 4 KHs in my old area do that. The first person that I know had this happen was my best friend in the fall of 1995!! She worked in a mall store, by herself or with the owner and these jerks would show up in pairs and harrass the hell out of her on an off, even in front of customers and have the balls to ask her to step outside the store!! They are in suits, look legal (or dorky, depending on the suit) and freaked out her repeat customers. Finally, she got so pissed off she told them what they wanted to hear and they DFd her in short order. These elders drove out of their "territory" and paid for parking just to harrass her. They also staked out her apt she shared with another JDUB (READ: naive, gullible JDUB) so she had to sneak in like a criminal on the run. SOOOO Sorry this happen to you -- Just don't let them set you off if you don't want to be DFd. DA yourself and keep your power or play their game only better!!! -
Lets say you went to a meeting, list what would irritiate you...
by JH in.
in my case, it was always the length of the meetings that bothered me.. no matter what meeting it is, you have to get there prepared, and that means lots of time reading the darn literature.. another thing that would irritate me, is all the magazines that come in faster than i can read.. i'll let you guys add to this list.. .
White Waves
looking_glass - You mean "service your husbands" figuratively, right?? Couldn't resist... Seriously - great post. This is my biggest frustration. Women are good for nothing in this cult but for being homemakers and pioneers... anything else and your faith is weak, dedication poor. God forbid you have ambitions of a career or being financially independant. God forbid you have a better job/make more money than your husband. I had several extremely intelligent and insightful friends at the KH and 2 repeated were "corrected" by the elders for trying to teach from the audience and then trying to "replace the organization's proper channel - elders - when encouraging others and just giving of their time to help people in non-religious matters, like going grocery shopping for a crippled elderly lady!! In the latter situation, the praise one friend was receiving was called "distracting from our true work - preaching." I was warned about these friends being a negative influence on me spiritually and interrogated about our conversations. I was so disgusted. I just quit commenting. These idiot elders were just plain threatened by women of intelligence, confidence and power. My husband beat the crap out of me, abused me verbally and played complicated games. The ELDERS would avoid me, not return my calls and tell me when I occasionally cornered one of them in the KH that my husband was my head, he speaks for the family, he tells them everything is fine. I tell them hubby laughs his butt off at how easy it is to con them. Elders tell me why would he lie?? DUH!!! Loved the canned "sheperding calls", too. Everytime it was the both mates are at fault, it is 50/50, let us pray. Why don't they just come out and say I begged for it and deserved it??? I could go on... but I'll spare you. Suffice to say - Elders do NOT care. It is all about protecting the organization not the person, especially not a woman or a child. It is about protecting their pitiful power and control attempts under the guise of "sheperding the flock" in their little kingdoms (HALLS). Lets face it - most of these elders would NEVER NEVER NEVER be in positions of authority in ANY OTHER WAY. AND I was an idiot too long, too late. My divorce will be final in a few months - thank you very much. But stalker husband still thinks we can work it out, if I make changes - not a chance! I got me a real man now. Talk about being "Blessed for my Works" :) I'll take this ANY day.
What age group has to sacrifice the most to be a JW?
by JH in.
what age group has it easier or harder to be a jw?
White Waves
I agree it is the children. Especially once they are in school/daycare and exposed to NORMAL kids and NORMAL events like holidays, sleep overs, play dates, organized sports, etc. Nothing can be harder that having the born-in trust in your parents and having everything else in life, every person, conflict with that. I remember the first time I was at the door "witnessing" (read: forced) to please god and save lives and a school mate answered the door. I just started a new school a few months earlier, no holidays yet to F**** it up... OVER.... I'm gonna be a freak, again. Next is being out in service at "break" in the teenage years with classmates working there or eating there and wanting to die on the spot, or at least before Monday. It is so hard explaining how you have to do something that is so weird to everybody else and that you don't wanna do in the first place! (but you are told God will help you love it the MORE you do it). The worst though, was ALWAYS going in service on Christmas Day and New Year's Day. Absolutely no respect or consideration for people in the privacy of their own homes and families. OK - I can't visit (or talk with) my Grandparents or Auntie because I will see her Christmas tree, etc. but I can go to the doors on the holiday and see all the trees, all of the opened or being opened gifts, etc??? New Year's Day - Wake people at 9 freaking am to talk GOD?? Is that a good time for a conversion? Wondering if this year the car group will again tally (in shock and horror) the number of naked, nearly naked or obscene/pukers met that day??? UGH!
Another Committee Meeting?
by SickofLies inthe elders love me!.
they want to meet with me again, tonight at 8:00pm, no explaination as to why, just that they need to ask me some more questions.they must miss me by now its been almost a week since my last committee meeting with them.
i've picked up some interesting bits of information from listening to the audio files and i feel i might know the reason they want to meet with me.
White Waves
The last few posts are excellent. Way to trip them up!
My father is an Elder, He told me the coffin is nailed if they:
Deny the bible is Jehovah's word and that it is the truth
Admit to no longer praying or believing in prayer through Jesus Christ
Defame an Elder/husband or gossip too much about opinions in opposition. The accusation of gossiper can be construed as apostasy or stumbling others. Elders just need to find intent to do harm to the organization.
Or... they'll break the accused by persistant annoyance balanced with games of avoidance to bring frustrations to boiling point. Then, the person will do or say something to do themselves it.
You know, these little committee meetings are usually during or after meetings so it is blatantly apparent to everyone that you are a "problem". The elders even stand outside the door and talk all serious make a scene. You don't see the elder's picking a neutral spot or visiting your home for this crap. It is another way to undermine you to the others in "The Faith" Been there.
Now I gotta go hear these tapes!
You know you're an elders' wife when...
by stillAwitness in.'re asleep in the back of the hall after the meeting while waiting for your husband to finish up another elders' meeting.
White Waves
You know you're and elder's daughter when your Dad uses the other elders to "correct" his wife (AKA: make her cry, break her spirit) and uses his "position of God given authority" to justify his paranoia and psychosis. Funny, isn't it, how an elder, (supposed example) puts his family last and is really no example at all - just a control freak.
I got DF'D yesterday
by IronClaw ini got a call from my wife today.
she said they made the announcement at the hall yesterday that i got df'd.
they said that i am no longer a jehovah's witness.
White Waves
Awesome dog - I love the muscular dogs like my own. You are going in the right direction - Freedom!
I got DF'D yesterday
by IronClaw ini got a call from my wife today.
she said they made the announcement at the hall yesterday that i got df'd.
they said that i am no longer a jehovah's witness.
White Waves
The waiting games are over - looks like the elders didn't have the balls to tell you, just like they didn't call you in the past. So typical-all promises and never come through. I tried to disassociate myself and they wouldn't let me. Not my choice to make... Do they make up the rules as the go along? Now, you are free and can make it what you want. No more strings. Your (ex)wife is still trapped in their lair and will just keep on paying. Best to you!!